
lots of things...

goodness...i hate when I don't update...
have so many things to say/share.

1. going to do the deck of me
can't wait.

2. LOVE the post-it photo paper.
amazing. can't wait to use it. printed
the photos tonight...going to scrap them tomorrow.

3. got AIM tonight. Haven't had it FOREVER!
so add me if you are reading this and want to chit-chat.
aim id: sunglasses4b

4. had an awesome awesome weekend.
can't wait to scrap the pics from the weekend with
some kick ass girls.
they rock. we had fun.

5. in one week from tonight Brett and I will have
been together for TWO (2) years.
So insane. who knew. I am so happy. Didn't think I
had it in me. We are going to eat at Red Lobster
and then go and buy our down comforter. excited this girl is.
in love this girl is. amazed this girl is.

so. I don't have to be to work till 3 tomorrow. hopefully I can
get some pages done. get to the bank. go to Target to get cards
for the deck of me project so I can work on that tomorrow and
wednesday nights.

zoie missed me tons this weekend. wanna play with Jake tomorrow.
hopefully it isn't too cold out so that I will get my butt outside and play
with him. I will at least for sure bring him some treats.
I promise I am going to clean my room tomorrow. its a mess.
so much to do...can not sleep in till 10.
okay enough talking....unless you wanna add me on AIM!!!!

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