
1.5 down 1.5 to go!

Thats right...
One class is DONE for the semester- just finished the project up and sent it in!!
I have all my photographs done for photography just need to scan them and write up my artist statement! (thats the .5 part)
I now have to read FOUR books and write FOUR papers...slacker I am through the semester and waiting till the last second (literally) to do the work. Oh well...shouldn't be too hard they are not hard books to read! *but still wish me luck!*

The holidays are fast approaching!
I still need to go shopping...

I know what I am getting people though...sorta not really!
Started making Christmas cards tonight a bit- also made
a scrap page- don't feel like scanning tonight- will tomorrow.

I hope everyone is getting excited for the Holidays!!

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