

Yes snow...
a lot of snow!!
I don't remember the last time we had this much snow this early!
My poor puppy is now poking his head out of the bar looking at me
like hey- wtf is going on here?!
So this is what I woke up to...


xobellaaimox said...

awww!! so luckyyyy!! i miss the north :( :(

NY for thanksgiving and christmas, here i come! :)

Heather said...

I'm glad you all got it down there and not us up in the cities! I'm not ready yet!

Anonymous said...

I have to ask, what is your dog doing at the bar? *wink*
I live in Edmonton AB and we have had our fair share of snow already too. I am tired of shoveling and more is on the way. UGH!

{Becca} said...

haha its supposed to say "barn" not bar...he would have fun in a bar though...he knows how to pick up a beer bottle and drink out of it! *self-taught i must add*

Deanna G. said...

Duuuuuuude. This is so pretty :) Lucky pretty. There's are no seasons here, well, sort of, but not anything remotely close to this winter beauty :)

Love the pics B. And dog in bar is way cool. Barn is good, but bar is cool.