Does good and bad always come together?
Within 45 mins I received two headlines in my life.
One very exciting and has a chance to change my life forever.
The other extremely saddening and heartbreaking and will change the life of many others.
The sad:
A young man that I went to private school with for many years and was best friends with my brother for a few years committed suicide last night. He had a severe case of ADHD and stopped taking his medication in the past few weeks and was also very deep into drugs.
I have not spoken to this boy in over five years, but it still breaks my heart as I knew him as a happy go lucky fifth grader. He was a senior in High school this year and ended his life way too quickly. I feel so sad that he felt he had no one to talk to. He did leave a note but all it basically said was that he "had has been messing up a lot lately and making mistakes and he didn't want to do that anymore" From my brothers understanding he did not have a very good relationship with his parents. This also makes me very sad. My parents are two of my best friends and I have no clue what I would do without them to talk to whenever I need it. I pray for his family and his friends. Hopefully this will knock some sense into some of his other friends that chose to also do drugs. I hope.
The good:
Brett got a phone call from FARGO today!!
They wanted to get some information to him to get his background check done! It was 20 guys and now down to 5 and they are going to employ 3 of them! This is so exciting but we are both trying to not get our hopes up. Very exciting news is all that I can say.
All in all though I am in a sad mood now. I feel so sad that this boy felt there were no other choices for him and no one to talk to.
Tonight I am going to look at the house my mom and her boyfriend are building together. Then supper with Brett and his parents and my mom and her boyfriend. That will be fun.
*this is my last post of the day I promise*
It's such a gloomy mood these days. I think the stars aren't in alignment or something. :| Work is so wonky right now for me. Bleh. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Man, that's so devastating. You may not have been the closest bestest friends, but still... it's just so very sad. It's ok B... Keep Your Head Up.
And, umm, hello. Goodest of lucks to Brett. I'm sending some job juju your way right now ;)
Becca, honey I am so sorry for your loss. There are no words... I am just so sorry.
I'm excited for Brett... that is going to be so great if he gets it! Lots of things happening... often times good things come with the bad so we don't feel so awful.
I'll send up some good thoughts and prayers for ya, sweety.
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