
21 and ready for fun!!!

First off- thank you to the girls on 2peas for the birthday love!! The cards rock and I can't wait to get them in my own hands!!! Thank you so much!

My birthday WEEKEND was great! Camping was fun (other than the rain all day sunday) but got some good 4-wheelin' time in and drank quite a bit- Had a great time! Here are some pics:

Make a wish!
Wheelin through the creek

I love wheelin' with my BIGSUNGLASSES! First *legal* drink!

Happy Birthday Cheers to Me!!

And on to the b-day presents.......
My ring from brett- wearn' it on my pinkie right now until I get it fitted.

I also got a Samsung S500 digi camera and some awesome scrap stuff and money to spend on scrappin' stuff!!!


~*~Felicia~*~ said...

AWESOME GIRL!!!! That ring is GORGEOUS and YAY for money on scrapping stuff!!!!!!! SO jealous about that camera though!! grrrrr :-p LOL but congrats!! Happy belated b-day and yay for being 21!! I can't WAIT for my 21st b-day!!!!

Lynda J P said...

WOW, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL RING. hope u get it fitted soon
happy bday. glad u had a fun weekend