

So, tonight the T.V. selection sucked. All these like catch up shows- boring! I've seen all the previous ones! haha...

This weekend was pretty fun! Friday night was the Fire Department dinner, won a cute picture frame- 5x7 so I gotta get a pic printed out in 5x7 to put in it! Saturday we went grocery shopping and made lunch, grilled cheese and tomato soup- nummy! Saturday afternoon we went to LaCrosse with bretts parents to run some errands and they took us out for bretts birthday at Red Lobster, my favorite!! Then we just pretty much lounged around the house. Today was pretty fun, we went out for lunch, got totally ripped off.....way too much $$ for the amount/quality of food we got. Then we went out on the river with Adam to check to make sure his boat works...haha...funny- I just laugh in my head when I think about that kid cuz hes just so...i dunno... sorta blonde like a ditzy girl? ya know? lol...but hes a cool kid and I wish he had a g/f so we could all hang out more- but that's not gonna happen for a long time I don't think....but who knows...people suprise ya I guess. Then we came home and made pizza for eveyrone. I haven't had home made pizza in so long. It was super good!! Then we went to Target so brett could get a new lunch box- and there is this awesome cup at target!! Wish I had it *wink wink*

Then I was getting my stuff read to leave and put in my trunk and brett put my rollerblades on...funny- he don't think he can roller blade...maybe with practice? lol....I don't think so! hehe

Next weekend is Des Moines. Should be a fun little road trip. Taking my car...which means I gotta clean my car (inside and out) before we leave...
Work full time this week...yuck...not looking forward to it...but then again I am because im so sick of sitting around with nothing to do! School is almost done...3 more weeks!! Gotta get working on math this week too (at work..haha)

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